MEDICINE Live Mock-OSCE | 11th Oct ’24
Test Your Communication Skills
We use professional patient actors in our live Mock OSCEs and they will be visible during the OSCE via webcam. You will be required to interact with them based on the scenarios below.
Prescription ErrorPresenting Complaint
You prescribed the patient Augmentin earlier this morning for pyelonephritis, without realising they are allergic to this medication. They did not develop a severe reaction but are now complaining of a rash and are very angry.Task
Candidate must speak to the patient and address their concerns.

ColonoscopyPresenting Complaint
The patient has been admitted to hospital with severe epigastric pain. The consultant has performed an OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) and took biopsies from their stomach for a "CLO" test. The results of the test are positive. The biopsies were sent to pathology but results will take a week to return.Task
Candidate must explain the results of the test, subsequent management, and any concerns the patient may have.

Diarrhoea 2Presenting Complaint
The patient has come to the hospital as they are experiencing diarrhoea. Their clothes rather loose on their delicate frame.Task
Candidate must take a history and formulate a differential diagnosis and management plan.

Lower Urinary Tract SymptomsPresenting Complaint
The patient has come in complaining of poor urinary stream. They have come with their spouse but would like them not to be present during the consultation as they are a little shy talking about such “vulgar” matters.Task
Candidate must take complete medical history regarding the urinary complaints.

HeadachePresenting Complaint
The patient has come into your surgery looking tired and wearing dark sunglasses. They are holding their head in their hands and complain of a headache.Task
Candidate must take a focused history and formulate a management plan.

Visual DisturbancePresenting Complaint
The patient has attended the clinic complaining of problems with sight.Task
The patient has attended the clinic complaining of problems with sight.

Painful Joints 2Presenting Complaint
The patient complains of painful joints. They are limping as they walk into the clinic.Task
Candidate must take a focused history and formulate a management plan.
Where will the Mock OSCE take place?
The Mock OSCE will take place online, in your browser, at a URL location that will be sent to you by e-mail after registration. You must access this URL on the day of the exam and login using your credentials.
Can I access the Mock OSCE on any device?
For accessing Qpercom, the platform we use to facilitate the Mock OSCEs, we recommend using Google Chrome. Chrome is free to download and easy to install. If you already have Chrome installed to use Qpercom please ensure: - Your browser is updated to the latest version - You allow permissions within your browser for your camera and microphone - When you first login to use the Qpercom virtual assessment option you will be asked for permission to use your camera and microphone. We recommend that you login to do this ahead of your assessment, you will be able to do this as soon as you have your login information, this will help the assessment run smoothly on the day and help you to familiarise yourself with the layout. Our stand alone scoring assessment solutions are accessible on all browsers that follow W3C web standards so that includes Safari, Firefox, Edge, Opera and Chrome and excludes Internet Explorer which has never followed W3C standards.